Privacy Policy

To reinforce the importance of and protect personal information and personal data (hereinafter, Information), the Yokohama International Performing Arts Meeting Secretariat (hereinafter, YPAM) complies with the Personal Information Protection Act, the Individual Number Act, the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), and other guidelines concerning the protection of information and laws relevant to YPAM. Furthermore, we handle Information as outlined below.

1. Basic policy

YPAM gathers the information of website visitors to the extent required for the smooth provision of services via this website (event information provision, event participant networking, and receipt of user feedback). Gathered information is handled appropriately within the scope defined under the purpose of use.

2. Scope of gathered information and purpose of use

  • (1) On this website, YPAM automatically gathers information such as internet domain name, IP address, and website browsing information. Of these, cookies (information sent from a server to the users browser and stored on the users computer to identify that user on the server side) are limited to use to ensure the smooth provision of services offered via this website and include absolutely no personal information.
  • (2) Information gathered in (1) is used as a reference to ensure the smooth provision of services offered via this website.
  • (3) The scope of information gathered and purpose of use for Information gathered during specific web-based events will be indicated on a per-event basis.

3. Restrictions on use and provision

  • (1) YPAM shall not user gathered information for purposes outside the indicated purpose of use and shall not provide information to third parties. However, information may be disclosed without consent from the individual in the following cases.
    • 1) Disclosure to courts, a quasi-judicial body, administrative organization, or supervisory authority as mandated by law or for claim processing, non-contentious litigation, or legal case.
    • 2) When necessary for the protection of a person’s life, physical well-being, or assets and it proves difficult to receive concent from the individual
    • 3) When particularly necessary for improving public health or promoting healthy child development and it proves difficult to receive consent from the individual
    • 4) When it is necessary to cooperate with the execution of legally mandated procedures conducted by an international body, a national government or local municipal organization, or a party consigned to conduct said procedures but receiving consent from the individual may interfer with the implementation of said procedures.
  • (2) When using Information, we maintain a strong awareness of the importance of information protection and use Information within the scope of the expressed purpose of use.
  • (3) Please note that services cannot be offered if the user does not provide or input Information for items marked as required for the use of these services.
  • (4) We may consign Information in cases when YPAM will outsource a portion of tasks requried for the provision of services (sub-agent, etc.). In such cases, we will select subcontractors who are compliance with relevant laws and fulfill YPAM information protection standards, conclude all necessary agreements, and conduct management and monitoring to ensure appropriate handling of Information.

4. About information provision

  • (1) Service users shall provide information freely and of their own volition.
  • (2) Service users shall use services at their own volition and liability.
  • (3) Users shall be responsible for the details of provided or input information, event activity information, and other information.

5. Security measures

YPAM conducts the appropriate management of gathered information and implements necessary measures to prevent leaks, loss, or damage.

6. Disclosure of own information

To request disclosure of one’s own information, contact the department in charge of said information or website.

7. Scope of applicability

This protection policy shall apply only to this website. The handling of information by any link destination sites shall be the liability of the respective organization.

8. Revisions

YPAM may implement revisions to this protection policy. Notifications concerning revisions will be placed on our website.

9. Requests for information revisions, etc.

Service users are allowed to make revisions or deletion to provided or input information at any time. Requests about making revisions, deletion and data portability rights are may be submitted to the following.

Operator: Yokohama International Performing Arts Meeting Secretariat
Personal Information and Personal Data Consultation Desk