The 6th HOTPOT East Asia Dance Platform

The 6th "HOTPOT", a multilateral collaboration between three dance festivals in Yokohama, Hong Kong, and South Korea

  • Japan
  • Korea
  • Hong Kong
  • Dance
  • Butoh
  • Physical

Established in 2017 by three dance festivals in East Asia -City Contemporary Dance Festival(Hong Kong), SIDance(Seoul), Yokohama Dance Collection- to discover and foster fresh talent, the "HOTPOT" marks this year its 6th edition. Eleven choreographers based in East Asia will perform their works and give presentations, and take part in dialogue and exchange programs with programmers coming from around the world.

For details of each performance, please check the official website.


Yokohama Red Brick Warehouse No.1 3F Hall, 2F Space
1-1-1 Shinko, Naka-ku, Yokohama, Kanagawa 231-0001
Yokohama Nigiwaiza Small Hall
3-110-1 Nogecho, Naka-ku, Yokohama 231-0064
KAAT Kanagawa Arts Theatre Medium Studio
281 Yamashita-cho, Naka-ku, Yokohama 231-0023

Date and Time

2024.12.11 Wed - 2024.12.15 Sun


  • Wheelchair access
  • Accessible toilet
  • Childcare service

*Child nursery service available for the shows at KAAT Kanagawa Arts Theatre. Please contact us by one week before the show.


General ¥1,000 - ¥3,300
YPAM Registrants (Professional) ¥2,800

Available at ArtSticker (Professional tickets only) and Ticket Pia

Staff, Cast and Credits

Takeuchi Azusa, Matsumoto Nanako/Nishimoto Kengo<team chiipro>, Neji Pijin, Yokoyama Ayano<lal banshees>, Chan Wai Lok/Larry Shuen, Justyne Li, Woo Yat Hei, KT Yau Ka-hei, Jeon Misook<Jeon Misook Dance Company>, Keum Baesub<Chumpan Yamoo>, Seo Yuensoo<Mujer Dance Company>

Contact Information