September 5 (Thu) Security Theater: Talk by Oliver Zahn


Berlin-based artist Oliver Zahn, who took part in the online roundtable “DISASTER EXCHANGE” at YPAM2023, is currently conducting research in Japan for his new project. He will give an interim report and introduce his past work at the YPAM Fringe Center on 5 September (Thursday).


German theatre maker Oliver Zahn creates choreographic performance essays that often revolve around historiography and the politics of remembrance.

He is currently in the process of preparing a series of works under the title "security theate​r​", referring to performative practices that center on creating a *feeling* of security in the face of uncontrollable events. For this project he is, among other things, conducting research on disaster prevention practices in Europe, North America and Japan.

In this public talk, Zahn, along with collaborators Felizitas Stilleke and Dennis Dita Kopp will present their past work as well as their current research.

Date and time: 7pm on Thursday September 5, 2024

Venue: YPAM Fringe Center

2-43-6 Hatsune-cho, Naka-ku, Yokohama 231-0053

Language: English with Japanese interpretation

Admission: Free. Please order one drink (beer, sake, natural wine, soft drinks from 300 JPY)

Inquiry: YPAM Fringe Center ( / 080-7253-2156)

We look forward to seeing you!

©Robin Junicke